User Experience & User Interface Design

User Experience &
User Interface Design

We help turn your idea into a polished final product that is beautiful and easy-to-use across all platforms. Our design team of expertise ensure the final product looks and works as your required with the latest tech and tools.

Design Efficient Products with Exceptional User Experience

Our Graphic Design Team is passionate about aesthetics and user experience, making sure we craft the right look-and-feel to your brand. We bring together all learnings, feature lists, and user flows into our UX Design process to create extensive, robust wireframes for the entire application, making sure all user experience nuances are taken into account.

Our Services

AR Experience

AR Experience Design

We are uniquely positioned to provide their expertise in the early stages of AR product development. Understanding user needs and expectations, designing flows and interactions, and crafting a delightful user experience can help create an effective augmented reality solution.

Information Architecture

Information Architecture Design

Our developers use industry-leading tools to construct new content management lifecycles, content models, and robust Document Information Typing Architecture (DITA) all while streamlining an organic process flow for conversion rate optimization (CRO).

UI & Interaction

UI & Interaction Design

It is interaction between users and products and creating products that enable the users to achieve their objective(s) in the best way possible.

Experience Design

User-Centered Experience Design

User-focused, customer-centric creating experiences that deliver tangible business results, as a leading UI & experience design agency. Acarin helps brands navigate any and all facets of today’s, and tomorrow’s, digital landscape.

Wireframe & Interactive

Wireframe & Interactive Prototyping

We design wireframes to provide you an outline of a mobile or web app by demonstrating content, structure and functionality that will exist on your app’s and software’s pages.

Responsive Design

Web/Mobile Responsive Design

We provides the solutions by making websites and applications smart enough to resize and adapt its content based on the screen size of the device. This increases the development speed, makes project manageable and increases the usability.

Branding &

Branding & Compliance

The process of ensuring that the brand elements present on your website strictly adhere to your brand guidelines. When applied correctly, it ensures your content, messaging, and look and feel doesn’t stray from your fundamental brand identity.

UI And UX Consulting

UI And UX Consulting

UI & UX Consulting is a holistic approach to enhancing the users’ experience based on business objectives, users’ perspective, qualitative and quantitative data, and the UX consultant’s domain expertise.

Design Workshops

Design Workshops

Aligning all collaborators is imperative to ensure everyone is on the same page. For this, we implement workshops such as sprints, design thinking etc.

Our UI/UX Process

Discover User Experience (UX)

Ideate & Prototype

Design Visual & Interactions

Validate & Refine Designs

Produce Development Assets

Understanding the business requirements, end-users, constraints, and project goals Methodologies

Functional Requirements Analysis

» User Research and Usability Analysis
» Competitive Analysis
» Digital & Social Media Engagement
» Analysis


» Engagement specifications
» UX/UI Design approach

Organize discussions, surveys, understanding user engagement patterns, explore user journey, develop wireframes and prototypes


» Information Architecture
» User Journey Mapping
» Sketching
» Low-Fidelity Mockup Prototyping


» Sitemap Blueprint Poster
» Interaction Elements’ Specifications
» Journey Map Diagram
» Information Architecture

Design visual and interactions as it would be shown on a real screen. Validate ideas and concepts, test with the stakeholders and users


» High-Fidelity Visual Design
» Rapid Prototyping


» Clickable High-Fidelity Screens For Stakeholder’s Approval

Validate interactions and accessibility compliance, learn, incorporate feedback, and plan for the next iteration


» A/B Testing
» Accessibility Compliance Verifications
» Usability Verifications
» Feedback Integration


» Developer Implementation Guidelines
» Final Design Assets

Generate design assets, iconography, typography, and user interaction controls placement guide


» Measure and Cutting Assets
» Responsive Design Validations


» Developer Guides with Typography, Measurements, and Style Guides details